16 February 2008

Important Solidarity

Please cut and paste the letter bellow and send it to the address listed to support the Ohlone Costanoan Esselen Nation, in collaboration with the Santa Rosa Rancheria Tachi Tribe who are working together towards the goal of removing ancestors from museums & agencies and returning them back to the land where their families buried them. Feel Free to personalize your own version of the letter to express your thoughts on this. This is a crucial act, folks, to begin right-ing many wrongs. Our solidarity is strength.

Los Padres National Forest Headquarters
6755 Hollister Ave
Goleta, CA 93117

Dear Forest Supervisor Hernandez,

The Ohlone Costanoan Esselen Nation, in collaboration with the Santa Rosa Rancheria Tachi Tribe, will make a claim for the return of all the human remains and all associated funerary objects collected from sites CA-Mnt-250 and CA-Mnt-85 per the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. We (person/organization fill in name) are in complete support. The human remains and associated funerary objects were collected from the Los Padres National Forest.

There is no doubt that there are human remains that are still buried on Los Padres National Forest land. Those remains may belong to various tribes associated with land that you manage. Therefore, we recognize the importance of tribes working together towards the goal of removing our ancestors from storage in museums and agencies and returning them back to the land where their families buried them.

We ask for you full support and that your agency repatriates the human remains and grave items as soon as possible.

(your name)

Hesiha manu lex efexe, ma’ali naham laci!
Work for our people, not against them!

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